
by ddreyfuss

Energy Experts:

In round one, the Energy experts stated that the most efficient source of renewable energy for Page, Arizona was solar energy. This is not a sufficient source of energy because it will be difficult to retain energy throughout the night and it will be difficult to follow the direction of the sun with the panels. Groups that would agree with the counterargument of the Energy Experts are the presidents of the American Petroleum Institute and the Navajo tribe. The American Petroleum Institute is focused on increasing the use of natural gas. Using natural gas will not only create more jobs, but it is also already the source of  27% of Arizona’s energy.  The Navajo tribe solely wants to maintain the energy resources Page, Arizona already has in order to secure the natural lands. Adding solar panels or creating solar farms will inevitably take up this clear land.

Sierra Club Presidents:

In round two, the presidents of the Sierra Club also argued that solar energy would provide the most environmentally friendly and appropriate source of renewable energy for Page, Arizona. Again, solar energy not a sufficient source of energy because it will be difficult to retain energy throughout the night, it will be difficult to follow the direction of the sun with the panels, and the solar energy farms will replace the homes of the wildlife that inhabit Page, Arizona. Groups that would agree with the counterargument against the Sierra Club presidents are the Republican Senator and Tourism officials. The Republican Senator would not agree with their argument because they do not believe in global warming. Therefore, since solar energy does not harness a lot of energy, it would not matter how environmentally friendly it is. That is why the Republican Senator chose to use Biomass as a renewable source of energy because even though it releases many air pollutants, it seems to be the most sufficient in providing energy. The tourist group would disagree with the Sierra Club presidents because places solar panel on homes and creating solar panel farms will not be visually stimulating, and therefore, would repell tourists.